Surgent has been a leader in accounting and finance education for 35 years, and we are here to help you pass your exam the first time. Our superior study materials are current and in accordance with official exam content specifications. Surgent’s content is immediately and effectively updated whenever a course changes. In addition, you have access to personalized study technology that addresses your unique needs.
We are completely confident you’ll pass your accounting and finance exam the first time; in fact, we guarantee it. That means you can try Surgent risk-free!
To qualify for Surgent’s Pass Guarantee Program and receive a full-tuition refund, the student must meet all of the following requirements:
- The student must register and pay full tuition (less applicable scholarships and discounts) for the entire, full course. Students enrolled in individual course sections may not participate in the pass guarantee program.
- A student eligible for refund must fail every exam section; students who pass one or more parts of the exam are not eligible for a refund.
- The student must complete a full practice exam in each section of the course, and achieve a score of at least 75 on each exam.
- The student must earn a ReadySCORE™ of at least 75 in each section of the course.
- The student must sit for each exam within four (4) months of beginning study for that section, and attempt all exams within 18 months of course purchase.
If a student fails all exam sections and would like to claim a refund of tuition, the student must send score reports for each exam section to the following address within 10 days of final score release:
Surgent Exam Review
201 N. King of Prussia Road
Suite 370
Radnor, PA 19087
Explore Surgent for free
We offer a pass guarantee because we’re confident that you’ll succeed with our adaptive learning. Try it today — for free!
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When other courses fail to deliver, students turn to Surgent. By investing in an exam review, you are making an investment in yourself. That can be a big decision — especially when other prep courses have let you down. At Surgent, we believe in quality products, flexible payment options and providing a 100% money-back Pass Guarantee to make sure you are set up for success.
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