As tax businesses grow, one of the things they realize they need is a Policies & Procedures Manual. At Peoples Tax , we have a comprehensive P&P Manual that has evolved over the 22+ years since I founded the business. We find it essential to ensure that all employees in all of our 9 offices […]
Displaying: May 2010
Will IRS Modernized E-File (CADE2) result in the RAL becoming Obsolete?
IRS Modernized E-File (CADE) promised to speed up direct deposit refunds to a few days instead of about 2 weeks . Read Details at:,,id=204763,00.html The new CADE2 IRS project is explained at the following link.: We have been phasing out of RALs for the past 5 years in anticipation of faster refunds from IRS. We […]
How can you ensure security of your clients’ tax return information?
As tax preparers, we are responsible for maintaining privacy of all tax return information in accordance with IRS privacy code, Section 7216. Most tax preparation software encrypts the clients’ date when e-filing. However, if you save your clients’ tax returns as PDF files and e-mail them to the client, how can you be sure the […]
Chase discontinues Tax Related Products business
With Chase following suite with Santa Barbara Bank and pulling out of the RAL business who will be left to meet the needs of independent tax businesses to provide RALs for their clients to keep from losing clients to the national tax firms? If you are not able to offer RALs, what can you do […]