I’m writing from the IRS Nationwide Tax Forum in Orlando, the third of six IRS Forums being held this Summer. The “Buzz On The Street” is that we are entering an exciting new era in the Tax Industry. Underlying the new “Rules of the Game” will be the need for education. We are exhibiting at […]
Displaying: July 2010
Chuck McCabe’s Lessons Learned – Lesson 2
Here’s the second video in my Lessons Learned video series. Lesson 2: The Transition from Blue-collar to Professional. Enjoy!
IRS Releases Proposed Regulations Regarding Fees for Preparer Tax Identification Numbers
The Internal Revenue Service has released proposed regulations that would establish a fee for individuals who apply for a preparer tax identification number (PTIN). The proposed regulations (REG-139343-08) would establish a fee of $50, payable to the IRS, to cover technology costs, as well as compliance and outreach efforts associated with the new PTIN program. The […]
Chuck McCabe’s Lessons Learned video series
I recently uploaded this video to YouTube. It is the first in a series of ten short videos that I will be uploading in the weeks to come. This video is Lesson 1: Breaking Out of a Destiny of Failure.
Summer Book Review – No Man’s Land
No Man’s Land by Doug Tatum is a truly unique book for entrepreneurs with established high-growth businesses who attempt to cross the hazardous chasm necessary to grow to the next level and survive. These are typically high-growth businesses with 20 to 100 employees and revenue of less than $5 million. The pitfalls of crossing “No […]
Closing Deadline for Eligible Homebuyer Credit Purchases Extended to September 30
Eligible taxpayers who contracted to buy a home, qualifying for the first-time homebuyer credit, before the end of April now have until Sept. 30, 2010 to close the deal, thanks to The Homebuyer Assistance and Improvement Act of 2010, signed by the President on July 3rd. This act extends the closing deadline from June 30 to […]