
Displaying: September 2013

Sometimes Uneventful is Nice

This week has been pretty low key.  I’m working through the learning activities in 7, 8 and 9 now and not much has changed in my approach to studying lately.  I also need to actually enter all my answers from the learning activities I have completed online.  This method could become a bit cumbersome if […]

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Looking Ahead

Now that I have time and have started to pick up speed on the Comprehensive Course, it’s time for me to decide what will be next.  I still have a few months before tax season begins and will likely follow the course’s recommended order of: Advanced I Advanced II Small Business I Small Business II […]

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How to Use LinkedIn as a Tax Professional

LinkedIn is a social media platform specifically designed for networking that tax professionals (actually, all professionals) should be utilizing on a daily basis. Think of LinkedIn as an extension of your networking. This isn’t a platform for catching up with friends and posting your family vacation photos – this is your networking hub. This is […]

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On a Roll

I have completed the final for Module 1 and have read chapters 6-9.  I haven’t finished all the publication reading for all of those chapters but it’s still nice to have the main reading assignments done.  I haven’t done any of the learning activities or quizzes yet and the returns will be getting more complicated […]

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The Affordable Care Act: What You Should Know as a Tax Preparer

As we draw closer to 2014, the media continues to increase their coverage on the Affordable Care Act and how this round of implementations will affect people. For the uninsured, the Affordable Care Act means that they will have to begin the process of obtaining insurance on their own or suffer a penalty for not […]

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Final Lap

As I run the final lap on Module 1, I am already feeling a lot more confident in my ability to prepare a tax return.  This module has been a solid review and because of the helpful preparer tips, has taught me a few new things as well.  The variety of situations in the tax […]

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Still Going

I have completed all of the questions and learning activities for chapters 4 & 5 and will be catching up on some publication reading before taking the final. Even though the course covers all of the relevant information for the tests in the course reading materials, I still want to finish reading all the publications […]

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My Impressions of the First Module of the Comprehensive Course

I’ve almost completed my review of Chapter 5 and feel ready to share my overall impression of Module One of the Comprehensive Tax Course. As mentioned in a previous post this first module primarily covered topics that I am most familiar with. With that said, the way the material is presented and tested seems very […]

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Tax Education Courses – FAQs

The Income Tax School offers a variety of courses and packages to tailor to the needs of anyone who wants to learn to be a tax preparer. Deciding on a package depends on the career path you would like to take. Do you hope to become an EA or do you just want to prepare […]

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Building Your Preparer Toolkit

After finishing the main reading materials for Chapter 4, I was pleasantly surprised to find a whole section at the end of the chapter which provided forms and advice on tax preparation.  Things such as common tax preparer mistakes, important interview questions, and even ways to consistently and correctly determine some of the more complicated […]

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