
Displaying: January 2014

Are you prepared for this coming tax season?

  Tax season is almost upon on us and by now I’m sure your brain is in gear and ready to start taking clients.  There’s a lot to do to prepare for tax season and once you’re in the thick of it you’ll be sorry if you haven’t dotted all your i’s and crossed all […]

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The Value of Internet Marketing [Discussion]

We recently received a great question on our website and would like to share it with our blog readers and community. The question: “How valuable and important is Internet marketing and getting a presence on face book, twitter and other social network for a small tax office?” Our response: As a small tax office, building […]

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How to Choose Suitable Tax Software

Every tax preparer needs suitable tax software to be able to properly prepare and file returns.  If you’re a tax business owner, you’re going to need the right software for your employees to utilize during tax season.  If you are an independent tax preparer, you will need the right software to prepare returns for your […]

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