Have you been poking around on The Income Tax School website lately? We unveiled a revamped website just before Thanksgiving to help guide our current and potential students to the information they need. Our new website is more user-friendly and we’re excited to tell you why! The user experience is very important. Sometimes it makes […]
Displaying: December 2015
SAS No. 130, Audit of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting Update
As part of its Attestation Clarity Project, the Auditing Standards Board (ASB) has issued Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) No. 130 - including several key changes.
CPA Exam 2017 and Bloom’s Taxonomy
What is the new, overhauled CPA exam going to look like in 2017? If you read the AICPA’s exposure draft, you’ll learn that the AICPA wants to follow what academicians follow: Bloom’s Taxonomy, which is a sort of “stair step” in the learning process.
ASU 2015-17 Income Taxes Update will be testable on CPA Exam in January 2017
The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has issued Accounting Standards Update (ASU) 2015-17, Income Taxes (Topic 740). This will be testable on the CPA Exam beginning in January 2017.