
Displaying: June 2016

Tax Scam Round-up: Know What You’re Up Against

Step aside tax evaders, the IRS has a new criminal in their crosshairs: tax scammers and identity thieves. Don’t think it will happen to you or your clients – or to you? Think again. As of this March 2016, the IRS reported identifying 42,148 tax returns with $227 million claimed in fraudulent refunds and prevented the […]

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Oh the Places You’ll Go… With a Tax Education

As long as there is government, there will be taxes because taxes are what fund our government, our education, and the various other services we receive as taxpayers. This makes the Tax Industry recession proof (aka a great one to be in)! You don’t have to become a tax preparer to get into the tax industry but you do […]

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5 Marketing Things to do this Summer

What’s on your summer to-do list? Summer may not be tax season but there’s plenty for tax preparers to do to get ready for next year and bring in more business. Owning a business is a year-round endeavor, if you want to get a leg up on your competition, here are 5 marketing things to do […]

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Mind Your Manners, Tax Pros: Business Etiquette for Tax Preparers

Tax preparation is more than just numbers, it’s relationship building and customer service. While the entertainment business portrays us as curmudgeons and socially awkward nerds, the reality is if we played those parts in real life, we wouldn’t have any clients! Etiquette is extremely important in the tax preparation business. The goal is to make clients feel as […]

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Are You Communicating Enough with Clients and Staff?

Communicating effectively with clients and staff is important for any tax office – or any business for that matter! Communication ensures that everyone is on the same page. It ensures that your staff and your customers know what’s going on or what they should be doing. Are you communicating enough? Here’s a rundown of some […]

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