Who really falls for a phishing scam? It’s probably a question you’ve asked yourself or said to a friend or colleague. People fall for phishing scams all the time, it’s why they continue to happen. Sure, there are a lot of “Nigerian Prince” emails that get sent. These are the most obvious and well known […]
Displaying: May 2017
The hidden truth: CPA review payment plans
Many of the leading CPA Review course providers offer payment plans as a means of payment for a full 4-part CPA Review course. But did you know that many of these plans have hidden fees? Read more to discover the true financial cost to candidates.
4 Reasons to Focus on Complicated Returns Next Tax Season
This Summer is a great time to evaluate the tax season and make a plan for next season. Beyond staffing and process improvements you should be looking at the services you offer and what you plan to offer or focus on next season. We’ve been watching the industry and the news closely and have 4 reasons why […]
The hidden truth: Adaptive technology and CPA review courses
Several leading providers, including Becker CPA Review, Gleim, and Wiley, claim to be adaptive, but are they really? Measuring features critical to adaptive learning technology, we examined several leading providers to uncover the hidden truth.
Top 5 reasons to dig into the CPA Exam Blueprints
As the CPA Exam’s developer, the AICPA publishes CPA Exam Blueprints - in-depth, section-by-section guides for candidates preparing to test. If you’re planning to sit for the exam, here are 5 reasons to dig into these blueprints before you do!
Why You Should Recruit and Train Tax Preparers in House
Is your tax business growing? Did you have tax preparers leave or retire after the season? Could you use some help next tax season? If you answered yes to any of these you’re probably looking to hire tax preparers next season. Before you put the word out that you’re hiring “experienced tax preparers” read this blog […]
Demystifying the CPA Exam’s task-based simulation questions
Here's everything you wanted to know about task-based simulation (TBS) questions, straight from the AICPA!
5 Ways to Seize the Summer and Make More Money Next Tax Season
Tax season might be over and summer/vacation time may be in full swing, but here’s something to keep in the back of you mind: there are about 257 days until the start of next season. So why not Carpe Diem – or better yet seize the summer to ensure you are spending the off-season making […]
Why Peer Groups Are Important In Business
This past weekend I was recognized by the Virginia Council of CEOs. The Council announced the establishment of an annual VACEOs “Charles E. McCabe Leadership Award” in my name and made me the first recipient. The award recognizes those who make significant leadership contributions to the Council, and I am extremely honored to both have […]
Video: Why accounting grads should take the CPA Exam after graduation
Graduating soon and thinking about taking the CPA Exam? Watch this video for why you should take the CPA Exam right after graduation.