The IRS wants to remind holiday shoppers to remain vigilant with their personal information this holiday season. That means you should be communicating with clients to ensure they stay vigilant this December. In the hustle and bustle of finding the best deals and shopping for everyone on your list, cybercriminals are waiting. While you’re shopping […]
Displaying: November 2017
Thankful for Our Family Business
The Income Tax School is a nationwide online tax school that serves thousands of tax professionals and students each year. While that takes an entire team of employees to run, at its core both The Income Tax School and Peoples Tax are a family business. It didn’t start out as a family business, but […]
How One Blog Post Generated Thousands of Hits
Last year we wrote a blog post on the Peoples Tax blog (our sister tax preparation company) with line by line explanations on filling out a W4. Each month, no matter what we write about, this blog is the most visited page on our website. In fact, since we posted it in March of […]
What you need to know about CPA Exam changes
The AICPA recently announced 2018 CPA Exam changes. Here’s what you need to know: Blueprints Each exam section’s blueprint link the knowledge and skills to be tested on the exam to tasks that are representative of the work of a newly liscenced CPA. The blueprints are updated perioidcally to include new content that becomes […]
Are You Investing In Your Employees?
Your employees are the heart and soul of your business. They keep your clients happy and they keep operations running. It’s important to make sure that you take care of them. Not only do happy employees make for happy clients, it’s expensive to hire and train. So, keeping your turnover low is extremely advantageous. Here […]
Time to Set Year-End Tax Planning Appointments
The holidays are quickly approaching – which for the tax industry means year-end tax planning should be on your radar. Have you reached out to clients yet? It’s important that both individual and business clients consult with you to make tax moves that could positively affect their tax bill come tax season. Here are some […]