On Friday, Dec. 15, 2017, NASBA sent a message to all candidates on behalf of the AICPA Exams team notifying them of the new user experience software coming in 2018.  Below is the body of the message sent to candidates.  Also, please note that the AICPA has launched new sample tests and a tutorial.  With the launch of this new user experience, candidates will see some delay in receiving their scores for exam quarters 2-4, 2018.

This coming April 1, the AICPA will offer CPA candidates an enhanced testing experience with the launch of its new exam software at all Prometric test centers. The software modernizes the exam’s format, functionality and design, giving you access to a high-definition display and new and improved tools. One of the biggest changes coming to the exam is the introduction of Microsoft Excel® as a tool. While you will not be tested on your ability to use the program, it is available for use during each exam section. Other new features include a dedicated workspace to more easily toggle and view exhibits, a highlight function to help you remember key elements in an exhibit and seamless cut, copy and paste. To learn more about the exam software and its features, you may view the CPA Exam Tutorial video.

To aid your exam preparation, the AICPA has updated its tutorial topics to guide you through the coming changes. You are also encouraged to practice with the new sample tests that present the exam as it will appear in an actual test center.

With the launch of the new exam software, the AICPA must ensure that the improvements do not impact the fairness and reliability of the exam. This will require minor score holds for the Q2, Q3 and Q4 test windows where scores will be released only once after the close of each window. The holds will allow the AICPA to review test question performance with the new software. For specific release dates, you may view the CPA Exam Score Release Timeline and review the Exam Scoring FAQs.

We look forward to the launch of this new exam user experience in 2018. For all your exam needs, visit aicpa.org/cpaexam as well as our partners at nasba.org and prometric.com .


Please let us know if you have any questions.  We wish you all the best for 2018.