
Displaying: March 2018

Have Your Clients Done a ‘Paycheck Checkup?’

The IRS has been pushing taxpayers to perform a “paycheck checkup” this week to ensure the correct amount of tax is being taken out. Having too much taken out of your paycheck could mean giving too much of your money to the government to “hold” while having too little taken out could mean owing money […]

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5 ways accounting students can stand out at networking events

Getting good grades and having a solid career trajectory are both important to your career as an accountant, but equally important is networking with those already in the field. Networking allows you to connect with both firms and potential mentors which can help launch your career or improve it in the future.   Surgent’s Success […]

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Your secret weapon to CPA Exam success

The CPA Exam is no joke. Even compared to some of the more advanced professional certification exams, the CPA Exam stands out as one of the most difficult. Between the four exams you have to pass within an 18-month period, the cumulative 16 hours you spend testing, and the total amount of study time you […]

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The Power of Connectors

Have you ever made a life-changing connection? An introduction to someone new can be a powerful force. New connections are made everyday, expanding personal networks and opening up doors to new opportunities. You may not give much thought to the connections you make on a day-to-day basis, but these interactions are a great opportunity to […]

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Surgent introduces improved user experience to match CPA Exam changes

Here at Surgent CPA Review, we’ve updated our software in response to the 2018 CPA Exam changes, specifically their new user experience updates, giving our students the ability to fully prepare by studying with the new format. The user experience updates will be going into effect on April 1, 2018. With some knowledge and preparation, […]

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Influencer Marketing 101: How to Grow Your Tax Business

In 2018, you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who hasn’t used or heard of social media. Facebook is a driving force in the way brands do business. Instagram and Twitter are changing the way consumers discover new products. If you’re not actively devoting time to getting your message out on these channels, you’re missing out […]

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6 tips for studying for the CPA Exam while in school

As a new school year begins, it’s easy to feel anxious about the studying for the CPA Exam and getting ready to start putting a few sections behind you. Depending on your situation, you may be able to start taking it while you’re still in school, as long as you can properly manage a full […]

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Blockchain and Accounting

Last week we talked about how the IRS views cryptocurrency, this week we’re talking about the platform cryptocurrency is built on: Blockchain. Why do tax preparers and accounting professionals need to know about Blockchain? Because the technology has the potential to change the industry all together. Here are some things you should know about Blockchain […]

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Student saves time, passes CPA Exam when switching to Surgent

Hi, my name is Jonathan Marseglia, I am a tax manager and tax attorney at Garcia & Ortiz PA, and I passed three sections of the CPA Exam by studying about 96 hours per section with Surgent – nearly half of the time that put into studying when I used a different CPA review course! […]

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Are You Talking to Clients About Cryptocurrency?

You’ve likely heard of Bitcoin. Maybe even Ripple or Ethereum. But have you paid much attention? No, these are not made-up words, they are forms of Cryptocurrency. Crypto what?  A Cryptocurrency is a digital asset (or currency) that is traded and secured using cryptography. You don’t need a bank to trade this currency, you can […]

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