Writing complex academic papers is relevant for every modern student. Academic work is an independent work of a student, shows his ability to use the knowledge gained while studying at university, to use scientific literature, actively work with it, clearly analyze and systematize various empirical studies conducted by students and other scientists, to draw conclusions […]
Displaying: June 2019
Become an EA
Your Pathway to Become an Enrolled Agent:
Take the Summer to Prep for the Enrolled Agent Exam
Do you HAVE to become an enrolled agent with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in order to be a tax preparer? No. All you really need to prepare taxes is to obtain a Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN) from the IRS (as well as some tax-prep knowledge, of course, if you’re going to do it […]
What You Need to Know for the 2020 CMA Exam Changes
The Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) has announced changes for the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) exam starting in January of 2020. The announcement comes after the most recent job analysis study conducted by the IMA revealed changes in the job market reported by over 2,000 current practicing professionals in the field. The IMA’s goal is to make the CMA Exam as relevant to the current professional environment as possible in order to prepare CMA candidates for a dynamic career as a finance or accounting professional.
Tax News Recap: Gifts, Grifts, & Data Shifts
As the old adage goes, April showers bring May flowers. That especially rings true in the tax world! With Tax Season 2019 officially in the books, tax pros finally have some time to stop and smell the roses. Whether you’ve been relaxing, tying up loose business ends, or taking care of some spring cleaning, catch […]
Which CPA review course is the best?
You’ve decided to take the CPA Exam; now you need to research the best possible CPA prep course for you in order to sit and pass as quickly as possible. As you start to dig into CPA prep courses, you may be considering which features you really need in order to pass. Do you want to purchase a bare minimum CPA Exam review course based on your learning style? Or would you rather go all in and get something with extra features or support? Or maybe your needs lie somewhere in the middle? You’re a unique individual, and your CPA Review course should fit with your specific learning needs. If you’re in the throngs of researching, check out Surgent’s three different packages: Essentials Pass, Premier Pass, and Ultimate Pass. You’re sure to find the absolute best CPA review course to fit your needs.
2019 IRS Tax Forums
Early Bird Registration for the IRS Tax Forums ends Saturday, June 15th. Have you registered? The yearly IRS Tax Forums are a great way to get the latest tax industry information, rub elbows with IRS representatives, learn about the latest and greatest tax industry services and products at the expo, and earn up to 19 […]
Surgent CPA Review’s virtual roundtable confirms CPA credential is worth pursuing
Surgent CPA Review recently hosted its first-ever virtual roundtable, titled “Is the CPA License Losing Its Luster?” The online event was moderated by Surgent Exam Review Co-founder and Chief Knowledge Officer, Liz Kolar, CPA, CGMA, and featured six distinguished panelists – all at different stages in their respective careers – with experience spanning a variety […]