Whether you endured a grueling and extensive job search or were lucky enough to experience a smooth and relatively easy hiring process, there are few things more exciting than receiving that phone call or offer letter from your new employer, and graduating with a job offer in hand. But there are a few things you […]
Displaying: October 2019
7 steps to create the perfect elevator pitch for accounting students
Full disclosure: an elevator pitch doesn’t require an actual elevator. The reason for its name is that you should be able to deliver it in the amount of time it takes to complete a short elevator ride. What is an elevator pitch? An elevator pitch (sometimes called an elevator speech) is a 30-60 second speech […]
IRS Tax News Recap: Changes, changes, and more changes
September and October have been busy months for tax news! As Halloween approaches, don’t be spooked by these tax industry updates. We’ve got the tax news recap to get you up to speed. IRS provides guidance on virtual currency The IRS just released additional guidance to help taxpayers understand their obligations when reporting virtual currency. […]
Independent Contractor vs. Employee: The Tax Difference
Since the introduction of virtual marketplace companies (VMC’s) like Uber, there has been some confusion about what is means to be an independent contractor vs. an employee. The important distinctions between these two worker classifications can seriously affect a worker’s wages and what taxes are paid by the worker or by the business. Get to […]
PTIN Fees: Will They or Won’t They?
It’s officially PTIN time. As of October 16th, the IRS has opened up Preparer Tax Identification Number applications and renewals for the season. This year, there is no fee for obtaining your PTIN, however don’t mistake that for not needing one. If you receive compensation for preparing or helping to prepare tax returns, you are […]
Networking tips for students who want to become a CPA
Building an established network is a sure way to jumpstart your professional career. Networking can help students and professionals get to know what job opportunities are currently available, possible future career paths, and the requirements for different positions within a company. Besides the aspirational career aspects, networking is also an opportunity to have intellectual discussions, […]
The Most Important Skill to Look For in a Tax Preparer
We’re four months out from the 2020 tax season. Are you recruiting tax preparers for the upcoming season? Hiring new tax preparers can be challenging. For one, there always seems to be a shortage and for two, how do you know the person you’re hiring has integrity or can prepare taxes properly according to the […]
Machine learning meets CPA review with Surgent’s MyMCQ™ feature
Surgent is committed to helping students get exam ready in as little time as possible, and we’re constantly optimizing our course to reflect that goal. Recently, we released a difficulty progression feature called MyMCQ™ that uses machine learning to show you the multiple-choice questions you need to see to help you gain the more advanced […]
Video: Tips for solving multiple-choice questions on CPA Exam
CPA Exam questions are broken down into two different categories: multiple-choice questions, and simulations (which themselves can be categorized into task-based simulations and written communication questions). For every section of the CPA Exam, multiple-choice questions (or MCQs, for short) account for 50% of the candidate’s score: Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR): 50% MCQs, 50% Task-based […]
Digital Transformation Introduces New Advantages for CMAs
Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) recently released two reports showing the advantages of professional certifications for both employers and employees in an age of digital transformation. Both reports, “Achieving Competitive Advantage in the Digital Age – The Value of Training and Certification” and “Increasing Your Value in the Digital Age – The Impact of Professional […]