

Your Personalized Path to Studying

“I have loved the course format and study pattern. It helped me a lot to get motivated by solving the questions and to learn new concepts with the review notes with every question. Having studied from another study material, I highly recommend going with Surgent to ensure clarity on fundamental concepts.”

— Hitesh A., Business Finance Specialist

Who We Help

Built to meet your needs


Students use customized prep courses for all major accounting and credentialing exams.

Firms and Corporations

Business partnerships enable learning and development for staff members at each stage of their careers.


Over 300 colleges and universities integrate exam prep coursework into their accounting and business programs.


When other courses fail to deliver, turn to us. We offer a discounted rate on exam reviews to those who switch.


We will help you start your careers. In addition, we offer discounts for students who are currently in school.


We partner with a range of national and state societies to offer additional support to our members.


The course that gets personal

Get personalized study plans to suit your schedule, your skills and your learning style.

Our personalized Exam Review course identifies what you need to study, allowing you to focus on learning what you need to know to pass the exam.

Looking for a partner in education?


Introducing Surgent IQ

Our catalog of certification courses is designed to offer digital, hands-on learning experiences to students and professionals looking to take their careers to the next level.