Comp ScreenHave you fulfilled your continuing education (CE) requirements yet this year? Here is your reminder to get those CE courses in. If you’re having a hard time choosing the right ones, we’ve got a few suggestions.

Tax Law Updates

This course is at the top of our list because we feel it is a must. This is a great way to become up-to-speed on all of the changes that have happened to the tax law in the past year. We offer this course annually as the tax law is always changing. Learning objectives include:

  • Gain an understanding of new or changed tax laws.
  • Learn to determine if a new or changed tax law affects your taxpayer(s).
  • Understand how to apply these new or changes tax law.

Click for more info on our Tax Law Updates Course.

Affordable Care Act Seminar
Another important course to take is our seminar on the Affordable Care Act. The ACA has become a reality for taxpayers and business owners these past couple of years but there are still many questions and specifics that are unclear. This course will teach you how the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will change tax preparation for your clients, individuals and businesses. You will discover new forms associated with ACA and when those forms are required. Upon completion of the course, you will have a clear understanding of the requirements for individual taxpayers and the responsibilities of business owners. You will also be able to identify the types of questions you will need to ask as a tax preparer.

Ethics and Responsibilities of Tax Preparers

As a tax preparer, confidentiality and reporting to the IRS on behalf of your clients are big topics. Are you brushed up on your ethics and responsibilities? Upon completion of this course, you will be able to describe professional responsibilities in tax return preparation, determine the actions necessary to maintain client confidentiality and identify the requirements to practice before the IRS.

Click for more info on our Ethics and Responsibilities CE Seminar.

Responding to the IRS

Given the choice, most taxpayers would rather not deal directly with the IRS. This is where you step in with the knowledge you will gain to assist your taxpayer. Learn how to handle IRS letters that request information or explanations. Gain knowledge in handling audit issues and complex collection issues. Learn about offers-in compromise.

Click for more info on our Responding to the IRS CE Seminar. 

Tax Practitioner Regulations and Penalties, Tax Research

Understand who is able to fully represent taxpayers before the IRS. Learn what constitutes proper disclosure of tax positions. Learn helpful procedures for tax research projects.

Continuing education is not just a requirement; it is an important part of being a tax pro. The more you know, the more you will earn. Check out our full list of CE courses here and take advantage of our Anniversary Sale! Save 15% off with code Celebrate26.

More Great Reads:

Expanding Your Target Market With Continuing Education

The Advantages of Taking the AFSP

The Benefits of Becoming an Enrolled Agent