Are you making the most of the off season? Trying to think of ways that you can? Beyond offering additional services, you could also run your own tax school. We’ve found it to be a great business model. In fact, it’s how The Income Tax School got started!

Here are six reasons to operate your own tax school in the off-season.

Increase Revenue

This is obviously the main reason. Revenue significantly decreases during the off-season. Running a tax school provides another revenue stream for your business. Students pay to receive tax training so that they can earn employment or learn to prepare their own taxes.

Recruit Quality Preparers for Next Season

Running a tax school is a great way to find tax preparers for next season. You can incentivize student recruitment with the possibility of a job through your firm once they’ve completed the course. Once students finish the course, you have a better idea of their personalities and skills, and can offer the best students employment. This will save you hours of interviewing time and avoid costly hiring mistakes.

Increase Your Expertise

There’s an old saying, “If you really want to learn something, teach it!” When you become a tax teacher you really develop a deep knowledge of tax preparation beyond what you learn from experience. This makes you a better tax preparer, and gives you a bit more clout that can be used to market your firm.

Provide Full-Time Employment

Running a tax school can mean full-time employment for some of your tax preparers as you will need at least one instructor to teach the course.

It’s Easier Than You Think

You don’t have to invent an entire curriculum or write textbooks in order to seize this opportunity. The Income Tax School can provide all of that for you! Our content has been created by seasoned tax professionals with teaching techniques from our experienced instructors. From curriculum to textbooks and even marketing materials, we can get you all set up and ready to go.

It’s a Best Practice

National tax firms use this approach to fuel business expansion and grow their tax business. Our turn-key package gives you tools and techniques comparable to those used for the world’s largest tax service providers.

If you’re interested in learning more about running a tax school as an ITS licensee, check out our website here: How to Start a Tax School.