Stay On Top of Tax Industry NewsAs a professional in the industry, you’ve got to look up from your piles of forms and receipts every once in a while and stay in tune to what’s going on in the industry. It’s hard to be in touch with the world outside when there are so many returns to file, but there is still news to pay attention to, client newsletters that need to be sent, and social media content that needs to be written (hopefully you’re on social media).

How to you stay on top of all of this content that needs to be consumed and created? Here is our “Go To” list of industry resources.



Believe it or not, the IRS is pretty on top of things when it comes to communication. You can sign up for several different types of email alerts and let the IRS news and tax tips come to you. Here are some of the alerts you can sign up for.


IRS Tax Tips – Receive tax information via email from the IRS daily during the tax-filing season and periodically the rest of the year.

IRS Newswire – Receive news releases as they are issued by the IRS National Media Relations Office in Washington, DC.

Guidewire – Receive notifications by e-mail when the IRS issues advance copies of tax guidance such as Regulations, Revenue Rulings, Revenue Procedures, Announcements, and Notices.

Tax Statistics – Receive information about the most recent tax statistics.


Here’s the Full List of IRS Alerts



2. Accounting Today

We recommend bookmarking Accounting Today! They are on top of breaking news in the industry, their columns are on point and informative and they have lots of great content to help guide you as a tax professional.


3. Tax Business Owners of America on LinkedIn

Where can you go to get news and information from close to 8,000 tax industry professionals? Our LinkedIn Group: Tax Business Owners of America. Our group is extremely active posting discussions, asking questions, and posting information to share with the rest of the group.


4. Tax Girl

Kelly Phillips Erb writes weekly about taxes for Forbes – and manages to make it entertaining. She’s got an excellent series going on right now for tax season called Taxes A to Z. She also covers major tax news and other interesting topics related to the industry.


5. Make Google do the Work

If you’re not using Google Alerts, you’re doing too much work searching the Internet. Go to and set up alerts for tax related keywords, your competitors, yourself and your company. Google will crawl the Internet for you and serve you up digests of alerts in a nice, neat email.


6. Twitter

The tax industry is on Twitter and they are Tweeting away! There are some of our favorite Twitter Handles to follow:












Where do you go for news? Leave a comment!


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