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The Student Experience: An Overview

Want to know what it’s like to be be a student at The Income Tax School? Get a brief overview in the video below of the student experience within our learning management system.  You can also follow our newest blogger: Tenisha Gadson as she blogs about her experience becoming a Charted Tax Professional. Look for […]

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Completing Chapter 1 and Settling into a Routine

After registering for the Comprehensive Course, I promptly received the hard copies of the course materials. The course is primarily delivered online which is extremely convenient, but supplemental printed copies are definitely important since I like to take notes on and/or highlight important sections. They do give you PDF access to the course materials even […]

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Getting Started, Setting Goals

I love learning. Given the opportunity, I will read every line of a textbook and attempt to internalize every concept. While this was perfect for most of my college courses, it doesn’t quite work for a tax course and I will have to adjust my goals accordingly. Tax return preparation is a very research intensive […]

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Three Ways to Gain Repeat Business and Recommendations

Top three factors for income tax preparers to ensure your clients return and recommend you to others As an income tax preparer, your business model relies heavily on repeat business. Not only do you have to continue gaining new clients, you need to ensure that the clients you gain come back year after year. The […]

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What Should Your Tax Office Include in its Non-Compete?

As a tax professional, the work you do for your clients is very customer service oriented. Good tax preparers build very strong relationships with their clients as they begin learning a very personal part of their lives: their finances. Tax preparers become very close to the people they serve and get to know many things […]

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Chuck McCabe: Blue Collar to White Collar Through Tax Preparation

For many people, entering into the tax business is not something they decide to do straight out of college – it’s something they discover at a certain point in their life. This fact holds true for even our founder and CEO, Chuck McCabe. Chuck was the second out of nine children in a dysfunctional family, […]

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IRS Cancels July 22 Furlough

As of an announcement today, the IRS will be open on July 22nd. Previous to today they had planned to be closed to cut costs. Here’s what they had to say: WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service is canceling the furlough day scheduled for Monday, July 22 due to its successful ongoing efforts to cut […]

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Why You Should Take Continuing Tax Education Courses This Summer

Just like with anything in life, the more you know, the better prepared you will be and the more tools you will have to perform your job. As a tax preparer, your knowledge of the ever-changing tax code is critical to performing your job properly. Continuing education can help you earn more money by giving […]

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IRS Online PTIN System Enhanced

IRS recently made some enhancements to the online PTIN system. Below is an overview from the IRS Return Preparers Office. “We’ve made a number of improvements to your online PTIN Account to expand its functions: – “Manage My Account” is fully functional allowing you to self-correct almost any field at any time (including professional credentials.) […]

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