The Internal Revenue Service has released proposed regulations that would establish a fee for individuals who apply for a preparer tax identification number (PTIN). The proposed regulations (REG-139343-08) would establish a fee of $50, payable to the IRS, to cover technology costs, as well as compliance and outreach efforts associated with the new PTIN program. The […]
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Chuck McCabe’s Lessons Learned video series
I recently uploaded this video to YouTube. It is the first in a series of ten short videos that I will be uploading in the weeks to come. This video is Lesson 1: Breaking Out of a Destiny of Failure.
Summer Book Review – No Man’s Land
No Man’s Land by Doug Tatum is a truly unique book for entrepreneurs with established high-growth businesses who attempt to cross the hazardous chasm necessary to grow to the next level and survive. These are typically high-growth businesses with 20 to 100 employees and revenue of less than $5 million. The pitfalls of crossing “No […]
Closing Deadline for Eligible Homebuyer Credit Purchases Extended to September 30
Eligible taxpayers who contracted to buy a home, qualifying for the first-time homebuyer credit, before the end of April now have until Sept. 30, 2010 to close the deal, thanks to The Homebuyer Assistance and Improvement Act of 2010, signed by the President on July 3rd. This act extends the closing deadline from June 30 to […]
Marketing a Tax Business: Traditional vs. New Media
Television How can TV advertising be used effectively by a tax business? We have used TV since I founded Peoples Income Tax in 1987. TV was very effective in creating awareness and brand recognition for us in the early years. TV worked for us because we had offices convenient to almost all of the viewing […]
Preparing for the Enrolled Agent Exam
What is the best preparation to become an EA? They say there is no substitute for experience and I don’t know anyone who has passed the EA Exam without at least 2 tax seasons of tax preparation experience. I’m sure there are people smarter than me who can pass by just studying, but will they […]
Gaining New Clients with Your Website
Does your website help you to generate new clients? Our tax business website,, is still not much more than an electronic brochure. We would like the website to be interactive with our existing clients, while also developing new clients. We have lots of ideas, but we need to implement them. For example, before next […]
The New Rules for Paid Tax Preparers
If you employ seasonal tax preparers how can you ensure that they are able to pass the IRS competency exam? Many tax preparers rely too much on tax software and don’t have enough tax knowledge to pass the IRS exam. We will make our tax preparers can pass the final exam of our Comprehensive Income […]
IRS presents IRS Live – New Requirements for Tax Return Preparers
Learn the Who, What, When and How IR-2010-70, June 1, 2010 WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service will debut its latest educational program for tax professionals, the webinar IRS Live, on June 9, 2 p.m. ET. The topic is “New Requirements for Tax Return Preparers – Learn the Who, What, When and How.” IRS Live’s […]