The nice bot wants to make the internet a better place. And we love it! It tweeted Peoples Tax a few months ago and the message has stuck with us.
With all of the negativity in the world – especially on social media – the Nice Bot is a breath of fresh air. Being nice is a concept we teach our children but perhaps rarely remember to practice as an adult. Sure, we are pleasant to others, but how much do we go out of our way to be nice?
The Nice Bot is the first and only automated bot Twitter has allowed. It pairs one random nice message with one random user every 30 seconds. Here’s what its Twitter bio says,
“I am The NiceBot. Something mean is posted on Twitter every 60 seconds, so I have been programmed to deliver random niceness every 30 seconds. Have a nice day!”
The nice bot has organically reached 14 million users and has a 99% positive response rate. Turns out, positivity spreads like wildfire. This simple Twitter campaign is not the only proof though. Studies show that acts of kindness reduce stress, can have positive impacts of your mental health, can help grow your business, and will breed more kindness.
According to happiness researcher Sean Achor, spending two minutes a day performing random acts of kindness for twenty-one days will retrain your brain to be more positive. When your brain is more positive you are more likely to be creative, intelligent and productive.
As a service oriented business, this message should ring true for you. We talk a lot about going above and beyond for clients because it truly does work. It leaves a lasting impression, creates raving fans, and builds deeper relationships. Just something to think about as we head into Christmas and look forward to a new year.
Maya Angelou once said, “People will forget what you did, they will forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.”