With so many CPA Exam courses out there, it can be difficult to know which one is going to work best for you. Your study habits and learning style are unique, and finding a course that adapts to that individuality can seem impossible. However, Surgent’s CPA Exam Review course is here to break the mold and show you how valuable a technologically advanced course can be. Here are five reasons why Surgent is the best course to prepare for the CPA Exam.
1. The Excel course
To make the exam more relevant to the CPA position, the CPA Exam now includes Microsoft Excel, which replaced the previous exam’s generic spreadsheet tool. While this is a welcome change since most accountants use Excel extensively, the spreadsheet tool can seem complex if you haven’t worked with it before.
Enter Surgent’s Excel Certificate Course, included in the Ultimate Pass or sold separately. Not only will the course give you a foundational knowledge in Excel and prepare you for your career, it will give you an advantage going into the exam because you’ll know how to navigate and work efficiently within the exam version of Excel.
2. The exam similarities
If you aren’t familiar with the format of the CPA Exam, it’s easy to get flustered and confused no matter how well you know the material. Surgent’s practice exams are specifically made to simulate the most recent version of the CPA Exam to help ease any stress surrounding exam navigation. Practice exams include the intuitive number entry system, the open workspace, the more visible clock, and the break screen features of the actual exam.
3. Up-to-date content
Each year, the AICPA evaluates the CPA Exam and introduces changes to make it more relevant to the field, and 2018 was a big year for exam updates. While these updates make the exam more representative of your future career, they can cause frustration when it comes to study materials.
Surgent’s online content is updated on a weekly basis, and video lectures are updated on a quarterly basis to reflect changes in standards or regulations, and to account for any exam changes. This means the content you’re learning is the content you’ll see on the exam.
4. The coaching
All Surgent courses feature video lectures from instructors who are experts in their field. But if you really want the dedicated support of a coach, consider looking at Surgent’s Premier Pass and Ultimate Pass courses.
The Premier Pass course includes three 30-minute sessions with a CPA Exam Success Coach. These one-on-one coaching sessions can be used to cover specific topics, to go over exam strategies, or to help you stay motivated and accountable.
5. The Adaptive Learning Technology
While many courses have online content and boast efficient study materials, Surgent’s courses are truly adaptive and build themselves around your strengths and weaknesses. Our Predictive AI Technology features a real-time adaptive algorithm that updates constantly as you work through the material, helping you focus on specific content categories. It also helps you create and stick to a study plan, increasing your chances of passing the exam within a set amount of time. It will even notify you when you’re ready to sit for the exam.
Whether this is your first time through the CPA exam, or you’ve tried another course that didn’t work, Surgent’s individualized technology and exam-relevant content is the perfect combination to help you pass. In fact, we guarantee it.
Try out Surgent today to see how our technology can work for you!
Sign up for a free five-day trial!
Megan Bierwirth graduated from the University of Kentucky in 2013 with a bachelor’s degree in accounting and passed the CPA exam within six months of graduation. She worked in both public accounting and industry while becoming a CPA and now runs a virtual bookkeeping company focused on preventive, integrative and complementary medicine professionals.