Let’s face it! To achieve CPA exam success, you need one incredible review course to power your studies. Most of us know that, but not everybody knows who all the big players are in the CPA review course market and what each of them is known for.  That’s why I dive into reviewing each of them in detail over at my CPA Exam Success website and come up with my annual favorite picks.


At the top of my 2017 rankings for the Best CPA Review Course is Surgent CPA Review.  This is largely due to their impressive adaptive learning technology, but there is much more to Surgent CPA Review than just their system.  Surgent CPA Review is absolutely focused on delivering the smartest learning management system, but they are just as focused on ensuring you are ready for a higher-order skills focused CPA exam when you sit for your official CPA exam. Quality and efficiency are two pillars of their model and they are delivering.  It doesn’t take very long to notice within Surgent’s free trial access to see why they are quickly becoming a favorite within the industry.


I not only reviewed their course in detail, but I also spoke with senior management and I can tell you that everybody at Surgent CPA Review is highly focused on making your CPA exam review experience as smooth as possible.  They focus attention where it’s needed most, and have an 89% pass rate to show for it, per their internal reports. In short, Surgent CPA Review is undeniably one of the best CPA review courses of 2017.


If you still aren’t sure whether Surgent CPA Review is best for you, take my Best CPA Review Course Fit Assessment. This custom assessment evaluates your learning needs, and makes the best possible CPA review course recommendation.


Brandon Vagner is a CPA, phD, and former KPMG Manager. He has obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting,  Masters of Acocuntancy, and PhD in Business Administration with a focus in Accounting. While at KPMG, Brandon’s audit engagements included primarily large public companies, but he also had a number of small private company clients as well. He currently lives in Nashville, TN, where he will soon be starting as a full-time Assistant Professor of Accountancy at Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU). Disclaimer: Brandon Vagner is an affiliate of Surgent CPA Review.