It’s been a little over a year since the world shut down due to COVID-19. We’ve all had to learn to adjust our lives and go with the flow more than ever before. Here are just a few things we’ve learned at Surgent Income Tax School during this unprecedented time…
Change is a good reminder that bad things or situations in life won’t last forever.
When we are in the thick of it, it’s helpful to know that the bad things will eventually come to an end. If you’re in a bad place emotionally, that feeling will pass. If you’re unhappy with your job, it’s important to know you can change it. The pandemic is far from over, but things are starting to look up, and that is worth celebrating!
Change can help us weed out the bad stuff in life.
We often resist change, thinking it is a bad thing. But change has a way of weeding out some of the things in our lives that really need to go. Like gardening, peoples’ personal and professional lives need a little pruning now and then, to clear away the old and dying things – which helps promote new growth. It may hurt when it’s happening, but it’s actually good for us. Change can help us move on from something that really needs to go.
Change pushes you out of your comfort zone.
The thing about change is that it’s very uncomfortable. It’s the fear of the unknown. But it’s important to remember that the unknown does not equal bad. Many times, change is actual a great thing, and great things don’t happen without change.
Maybe you’re considering expanding your business or a new career path altogether but have been afraid to do so. Lewis Carroll said it best, “Know that in the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take.”
Change keeps things interesting.
You don’t usually hear people say, “All this change is boring!” What it can be, is overwhelming. When change happens, it can be fast and uncomfortable. It can keep you guessing from one moment to the next. But that can be exciting and ignite a fire in you that may have been missing for quite some time.
Change leads to new opportunities.
This last year may have felt like one door after another closing. But like a book, we need to finish each chapter to get to the end. New opportunities arise at every turn.
Change helps you become more adaptable.
If this pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that we must learn to be flexible. Learning to adapt, staying calm, and having a backup plan is not easy, but it will ensure you come out ahead on the other side. Being adaptable can help you be creative and inventive within business and in your personal life. After all, those who learn to adapt will be the ones who survive and even thrive!
Check out this business that developed after two guys found themselves at home last year because the industries they worked in were hit hard during the pandemic. City Bonfires: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGlCJfwsnKk
Change gives us strength.
Going through change makes us more resilient. When you go through something tough, you become stronger than before. You’ll look back at yourself with a sense of accomplishment and be able to take on new challenges with a confidence you didn’t have before.
Change is inevitable and the only thing ever really guaranteed in life.
According to Dr. Myles Munroe, “Change is the one thing that is permanent in life and yet people are afraid of it…So, if change is a constant, the key to life then is to learn how to manage and benefit from change.”
Maybe it’s time for a change in your life. A new career or business can seem daunting and overwhelming but taking a leap of faith may be the best decision you ever make!