Small Business Week may have been postponed by SBA, but it doesn’t mean we can’t take it upon ourselves to get in the spirit of supporting small businesses!
Due to the COVID-19 virus, many small businesses across the country are struggling. Stay-at-home orders have forced them to shut down and change the way they work. Some have been granted the opportunity to remain open within CDC social distancing guidelines, but recovering from this crisis is going to be a slow process. Now more than ever, it’s important that we’re celebrating the impact that small business owners make in our communities.
Small businesses feed the economy and truly help shape our community for what it is. That includes tax businesses owners and their small business clients. Despite restrictions, now is a great time to show our gratitude by letting the small businesses in our community know just how much we appreciate them.
Support clients
Our small business clients are what keep us running, so why not celebrate them? Small business owners are struggling to navigate compliance, loans, taxes, and make sure their employees are taken care of. As a trusted advisor, have you reached out to see where you can help? Arm your small business clients with advice and information so that they can stay afloat – and sane.
Show your appreciation
Another way to celebrate Small Business Week is by relaying your appreciation across social media platforms. Let them know that their support does not go unnoticed and how grateful you are for it. If you can lend it, find ways to help your community outside of running your business. If another business needs aid, try and offer it to them. Give to a local charity, or have your employees volunteer somewhere like your local food bank.
As a small business, your community is one of your most important assets. Not only do you give them great service, but they give you great feedback and support. As an essential part of your success, it is important that you show your appreciation.
And, don’t forget to shop small in every way possible. Small businesses need your dollars right now. Eat local. Shop local. Drink local. And spread the word too! Promote the small businesses you love.
Your Employees
Employees are what keep our businesses running from the inside out. Not only are they community members themselves, but they are dedicated to the business. Without them, you’d probably have no business at all. Make it a point during Small Business Week to get closer with your employees and show them how their work has truly impacted the success of the business.
The COVID-19 crisis is hard on us all: Small businesses, owners, employees and the community. Despite facing challenges, it’s important that we’re still celebrating what we’ve accomplished thus far, together. Supporting small businesses is important, but so is supporting the factors that make us successful.