LinkedIn just added a feature that will help our graduates stand out more to their contacts and potential clients: The “Add to Profile Button”.

Now, with the click of a button, you can add your Income Tax School Chartered Tax Advisor, Chartered Tax School Consultant, or Chartered Tax School Professional Certification to your LinkedIn Profile!


Why Is This Important?

As a tax professional, unless you are an Enrolled Agent, there are not many ways to show potential clients that you have the qualifications needed to properly prepare their taxes.

There’s the IRS Annual Filing Season Certificate. This is to be included on the IRS National Database of certified preparers. If you’ve been through any of our Charted Tax School Courses you know that you’ve taken way more education than the tax preparer who took the AFTR.

Now you can display the Chartered Tax Professional Badge on your LinkedIn profile (which acts as your CV anyways), for all of the world (and potentials clients) to see.

The Benefits of The Chartered Tax Certificate ProgramsClick to find out more about our

There are three different levels of our Chartered Tax School Program, each which varying degrees of coursework. This program provides its students with the knowledge they need to prepare taxes and a certification that can be displayed in your office (and now on LinkedIn).

Completion of one of our certificate programs at The Income Tax School (ITS) will enhance your reputation as a trusted tax professional. Plus, your increased knowledge will enable you to:

  • Prepare more complicated tax returns, and
  • Increase your revenue by charging higher fees for more complex tax returns.


Do you have your Chartered Tax Certificate? Add it to your LinkedIn profile now!


More Great Reads:

Three Ways to Gain Credentials As a Tax Preparer

How to Use LinkedIn As a Tax Preparer

Are You Making the Most Out of Your Tax Prep Interviews?

5 Ways Tax Preparers Can Stay on the Cutting Edge