In 2018, you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who hasn’t used or heard of social media. Facebook is aInfluencer-Marketing driving force in the way brands do business. Instagram and Twitter are changing the way consumers discover new products. If you’re not actively devoting time to getting your message out on these channels, you’re missing out on a huge potential client base. After all, 81% of all Americans have at least one social media profile, with 68% of American adults on Facebook alone. But with such vast platforms, how can your message break through the noise?

Enter influencer marketing. Whether you’re looking to dip your toes in the social media pool for the first time or improve your long-term marketing efforts, influencer marketing is an essential tool. Influencer mentions go a lot farther than a tweet or post from a company account. Why is this?

Influencers are powerful because they meet consumers where they are. They provide a trusted voice to brands and products in a way that many businesses simply can’t. It’s important to recognize the distinction – the sooner you do, the sooner you can understand just how much of an impact influencer marketing can have on your tax business.

It’s also important to note that influencers aren’t just famous celebrities or people with massive online followings. Influencers are personalities who are actively engaged with their audience. Engagement is the mark of a true influencer, not follower counts or video views. For example, a product review YouTube channel with 1000 subscribers, or a mommy blogger with 100 followers could both help you gain new clients with the right message.

Working closely with influencers can afford you 3 great marketing opportunities:

  1. Earning credibility with a new audience who might not have given you any attention or trust otherwise.
  2. Gaining exposure to new potential clients who might not have heard about your business otherwise.
  3. Generating quality content to help promote your business, which can be used again and again.

Reaching out to influencers directly to start building a relationship is one method, but the reality is that you’ll need to spend either time or money to establish a fruitful relationship for both parties. Because every business is unique – with a unique set of problems to solve – there’s no magic formula for influencer marketing. Patience is key.

It’s also important to reach out to influencers that can actually be of help to you, whether in your niche or community. In other words, sending a DM to Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson on Instagram probably won’t magically transform your tax business overnight. To get started, try researching who’s active in your area. Reaching out to local/regional influencers is a great way to make an impact in the community while spreading the word about your tax business. For example, reaching out to an engaged freelancer or startup on Instagram could be a great way to spread the word that you specialize in taxes for freelancers and startups!

Here are four helpful ways to start building relationships with influencers:

Ask for their perspective. What would they like to see in a tax business? Starting and maintaining a two-way dialogue is an excellent way to conduct market research (and get your business on their radar).

Create an experience or product of value. This could be a quick informative video, infographic, tax prep resource, or an e-book, like CEO Chuck McCabe’s Guide to Start and Grow Your Successful Tax Business.

Pay for a product review or placement. This tried and true method is the most direct means of influencer marketing. Many influencers are willing to negotiate prices, especially about products they believe in.

Offer additional exposure to their content channels. Influencer marketing is a two-way street. Find unique ways to leverage your channels to drive traffic to an influencer’s, and you’ll lay the foundation for a fruitful relationship.