grow-tax-business-ITSSure, business declines after April 15, but it doesn’t have to end. Besides the late filers, there are other opportunities to gain business after tax season. Here are some ideas to help keep business coming in after the 15.

Amended Returns

There are plenty of taxpayers who made errors on their returns, or need to make a filing status change. It could be for this year or for previous years. Send out a dedicated email to clients with information about amended returns and who may need to do so. You should also include information about amended returns on your website.

Check Returns

A great way to bring business in after the deadline is to offer a free tax return check for people who think they may have made an error or for people who are unhappy with the amount they owe or the amount of their refund.

Offering to check a tax return for free with no obligation brings people who are not current clients through your door. These people will likely become clients if you can show your expertise and save them some money.

Late Filers

Do you have a couple of clients who haven’t contacted you yet? Reach out to them. You could also run a promotion for those who haven’t filed.

People Who Filed an Extension

There are plenty of people who have filed an extension but still need to come in to have their taxes prepared.

Business Owners

Businesses still have quarterly taxes and other deadlines. Consider targeting business owners as clients. Now that the season is over, you could do some dedicated marketing to this segment. Business returns are more complicated and will result in a higher fee.

Tax Planning Services

Now that the books are closed on 2014, taxpayers should begin planning for next year to ensure they pay the minimum amount of tax. This would be another great opportunity to email your client list and educate them on the benefits of tax planning.

This is another great way to ensure new clients for next season. Bringing new people in for free tax-planning sessions will ensure that they file with you when the time comes.

Bookkeeping services

Bookkeeping is a great complimentary service to tax preparation. If you don’t currently offer bookkeeping services, now is the time to consider it, as it is a year-round service.

If you do currently, offer bookkeeping services, you should make sure you market those services throughout the year to current and potential clients.

Continuing to market your services throughout the year and being strategic about marketing and communications will help keep business coming in after the season is over.

More Great Reads:

How to Make Money Year-Round as a Tax Preparer

Post Tax Season To-Dos

Why Customer Surveys Are Important