We’re down to the wire.clock

It’s almost April 15 and you’ve got some clients who haven’t even called to make an appointment. There are also lots of taxpayers out there who haven’t filed their taxes yet who could be new clients. So how do you get them in your door? Here are some last-minute outreach ideas to get new clients before the April 15 tax filing deadline.

Offer Drop Off Services

Making the process as convenient as possible is a sure-fire way to get clients in. Drop off services are a great way to allow clients to get their paperwork to you whenever it’s most convenient for them. You should provide clients with a checklist of what you will need to ensure there are no extra trips for additional paperwork.

Partner With a Radio Station

Hold an event and promote through a local radio station to promote your business and drive more traffic to your door. Have refreshments available for those waiting to have taxes prepared. A radio spot/promotion should increase your exposure, remind folks that the deadline is here, and ultimately increase business before the deadline.

Extend Your Hours

Have longer hours available to ensure that those with a hectic schedule can find time to make it in before the deadline. Be sure to have a receptionist working to help with walk-ins and answering phones.

Offer Last-Minute Discounts

Reach out to your partners or to local companies you have relationships with to offer their employees last minute discounts. You could also reach out to any trade organizations you are a member of or to contacts who may be interested in offering their employees a discount.

Send Out an Email Newsletter

If you’ve got an email list, use it. Reach out to remind people of the deadline. Be sure to push any promotions you may have running and give information on what they should bring with them to the appointment.

How are you reaching out in the last few days before the April 15 deadline? We’d love to hear from you!

More Great Reads:

How to Use LinkedIn As a Tax Preparer

Are You Making the Most Out of Your Tax Prep Interviews?

5 Ways Tax Preparers Can Stay on the Cutting Edge