I have completed the final for Module 1 and have read chapters 6-9.  I haven’t finished all the publication reading for all of those chapters but it’s still nice to have the main reading assignments done.  I haven’t done any of the learning activities or quizzes yet and the returns will be getting more complicated so it’s hard to say how long they will take.  If it takes me a reasonable amount of time I could be done with Module 2 by the end of next week.  I started this course towards the end of August and am hoping to be done with the whole course by the beginning of October.   My life is a lot less hectic right now and I plan to take advantage of it while it lasts. I can get quite a bit done in 2-3 uninterrupted hours.  The way I’ve been doing Module 2 is definitely a slight change from the way I handled Module 1 since I didn’t do everything two chapters at a time this time, but I actually like doing all the reading first because then when I look back over each chapter for the learning activities, it’s just reinforcing information I’ve already seen.  I will now go back and do the publication reading as I complete each chapter’s learning activities. I’m definitely excited about the pace at which I am now moving through the course and can’t wait to complete the whole thing.