What if … Newsletter-Tips

Your clients stayed in the know and on top of things thanks to the informative messaging they received from you on a regular basis?

What if …

You stayed top of mind year-round with your clients and as a result earned more referrals from them?

What if …

Your clients didn’t wait until the last minute to have their taxes prepared because they got friendly reminders in their inbox?

It is for these reasons and many more that sending regular email newsletters to clients is an excellent retention and referral tool.

But what would you write? Here are some ideas.

Educate and Inform Clients All Year

You are the expert in the tax industry so show it by providing tips and updates on what’s going on. That could mean:

  • Changes to the tax code
  • New deductions
  • Deductions that are going away in the coming year
  • Year-end tax planning tips
  • Updates on the Affordable Care Act
  • Tax Scam alerts

Keeping your clients in the know and ensuring there are no surprises come tax time is an excellent way to build rapport and loyalty. The IRS sends out a number of great tips and reminders throughout the year that are helpful to receive and include in your newsletters. You can sign up for these on irs.gov.

What’s happening at the office?

Little updates about your business are fun and engaging to include. Here are some appropriate types of updates to include:

  • New staff member spotlights
  • Your CEO or company was in the paper
  • Your CEO or company won an award
  • Any community work you may be doing (i.e. food drive, volunteering as a company, etc.)
  • Any open house events you may be holding over the holidays

Year-Round Services

If you offer more than tax preparation, the off-season is a great time to include gentle reminders with information on the other services you provide.


Leading up to and during tax season is an excellent time to include current promotions in your newsletter. If you have a refer-a-friend program, be sure to place a call to action to forward your newsletter to friends!

Do you have a newsletter? Leave a comment and tell us what you include in yours. Want more marketing tips? Check out our Tax Business Marketing Manual.