June 6, 2006

Richmond, VA — Peoples Income Tax School President, Charles E. McCabe, has become a new provider of Certified Financial Planner (CFP) Continuing Education (CE) as a sponsor of the CFP Board of Standards, Inc. Four Peoples’ 30-hour courses in Basic, Intermediate, Advanced and Small Business Income Tax Preparation have been approved by the CFP Board to meet CE requirements for CFPs

Each of the some 49,000 Certified Financial Planners in the United States must complete 30 hours of Continuing Education that has been approved by the CFP Board of Standards.

Peoples Income Tax School (PTS) was formed in 1990 as a division of Peoples Income Tax, Inc. founded in 1987 by Mr. McCabe who serves as President and CEO. PTS is licensed as a private career school by the State Council of Higher Education of Virginia (SCHEV). McCabe also serves on the Executive Committee of the Career College Advisory Board (CCAB) which advises SCHEV on issues related to VA proprietary schools.

PTS offers courses and seminars in income tax preparation to train tax, accounting and financial service professionals. PTS also provides Continuing Professional Education (CPE) to CPAs as a sponsor of the National Society of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA), and Qualifying and Continuing Education required by the California Tax Education Council (CTEC) for California preparers. Live classes are conducted by PTS locally and online classes are taught by PTS nationwide. And PTS provides curriculum (student texts, instructor guides and school operating manuals) to independent tax and accounting firms, and some colleges, nationwide.