In your evaluation of tax season this year, did you discover some staffing needs for next year? Onboarding and training new Trainingstaff is an important process that should be planned for way ahead of time – especially if you plan to train your own tax preparers.

Recruiting and training your own tax preparers is the best way to make sure your staff knows how to properly prepare taxes. It may seem easier to hire seasoned tax professionals, but it’s actually better to recruit people with excellent customer service skills and then train them yourself.

People skills are the key. The ability to put another person at ease and earn their confidence is a natural aptitude. It can’t be taught. But tax preparation skills can.

Read: Why You Should Recruit and Train Your Own Tax Preparers

In order to properly prepare for recruiting and training staff in the fall, here are some things you should be doing now.

Decide on materials

Unless you want to spend years writing your own curriculum, you’ve got to decide on which curriculum you will purchase and use to train staff. There are a lot of tax schools out there to choose from but these schools are not all created equal.

Choose a school that includes a turnkey solution, provides support, and includes materials for both student and instructor. Make sure that the school you choose has standards and credentials from the IRS and national tax associations. You should also look at their reviews and testimonials.

Read: How to Choose the Right Tax Education Provider

Get familiar with the content and process

Once you’ve chosen the proper curriculum you’ll need to get familiar with the materials. You should make sure that yourself or the person teaching employees has read through the instructor materials and is familiar with the flow of the training.

Develop a recruiting process

Where will you find employees? What skills and qualities are you looking for? What will their job description be? This should all be worked out long before the recruiting process begins.

Read: Hiring and Training Tax Preparers For the Upcoming Season

Here’s another reason to get started on planning: we are currently having an Early Bird Special in the month of May! Buy now and get the best deal all year for training kits.

Early Bird Special

More Great Reads:

Keep Business Coming After the Deadline

Evaluate Tax Season Now and Prep for Next Year

5 Ways Tax Preparers Can Stay on the Cutting Edge