Our ITS team at the Orlando Tax Forum
Our ITS team at the Orlando Tax Forum

I’m writing from the IRS Nationwide Tax Forum in Orlando, the third of six IRS Forums being held this Summer. The “Buzz On The Street” is that we are entering an exciting new era in the Tax Industry. Underlying the new “Rules of the Game” will be the need for education. We are exhibiting at all six IRS Tax Forums as The Income Tax School. Attendance for the Forums is up dramatically over recent years, Some 3,000 tax business owners and independent tax professionals are here at the Orlando Tax Forum.

Yesterday, our booth was swamped by tax practitioners seeking information about our e-learning courses and seminars and materials to teach live classed to train new tax preparers. We’ve already scanned the name badges of 245 attendees who want to receive more information by e-mail! I’ve also talked with a number of key tax industry players including the president of the National Society of Accountants and the director of the IRS Office of Professional Responsibility, and they are all talking about the need for quality tax preparer education to meet the new preparer regulation requirements, which is driving much higher attendance at the IRS Tax Forums.

We will be at the upcoming NYC, Las Vegas and San Diego IRS Forums, as well as the NSA conferencein DC. Hope to see some of you there!

– Chuck