We’ve been discussing credentials on the blog a lot lately. The IRS is dead set on regulating tax preparers Chartered Tax Professionalto reduce errors and fraud; and taxpayers are being warned constantly by the IRS and the media about who they choose to prepare their taxes.

Here are some reasons to consider earning a Chartered Tax Certificate Program from The Income Tax School.

Have a clearly defined education plan

Learning to prepare taxes for the general public is a great first step, but where do you go from there? The Chartered Tax Certificate Program lays out a clearly defined program to teach you to prepare more complicated tax returns. As a student, you start by learning comprehensive taxes and then move on to advanced and small businesses taxes.


Prepare yourself for the EA Exam

The CTP program covers all topics on the IRS Enrolled Agent (EA) exam and will help you to pass the EA exam after taking an EA exam review. The EA is the most significant and prestigious credential in the tax industry, more significant than a CPA. By definition, a CPA is an accounting expert; but an EA is a tax expert. To become an EA you must pass a rigorous 3-part exam in income tax, including corporate tax.  The CPA exam includes only one part tax, mostly corporate and theory, and 3 parts accounting. An EA, like a CPA and an attorney, is authorized to represent taxpayers before the IRS.  A tax pro who has passed the EA has the knowledge needed to prepare complex individual tax returns, as well as small business corporate and partnership returns. Becoming an EA is a great professional accomplishment!


Earn a certificate

There are currently two ways to earn credentials as a tax preparer: gaining your IRS Record of Completion or becoming an Enrolled Agent. By completing the Chartered Tax Certificate Program, you will earn a certificate to hang in your office.


Earn more money

Ultimately, the more education you have as a tax preparer, the more money you are going to make. The Chartered Tax Certificate Program will teach you to prepare more complicated returns – which are prepared at a higher cost than what you would charge for 1040s.

Our Chartered Tax Certificate Program is a great way to advance your education, prepare yourself for the EA Exam, and earn more money.


More Great Reads:

The Advantages of Taking the AFSP

The Benefits of Becoming an Enrolled Agent

5 Ways Preparers Can Stay on the Cutting Edge