Content marketing has become an important part of marketing for every business. Beyond sharing your expertise on your blog or creating white papers for download, there’s another great option – that could help get you in front of fresh eyeballs. It’s called guest blogging. Guest blogging is just what it sounds like. Creating original content for someone else’s website or blog.

The Benefits of Guest Blogging

Guest blogging can be a great way to extend your reach and get your name or business in front of a different audience. It also has the following advantages:

  • Shows off your expertise
  • Offers insight into your industry that another audience may not have been aware of
  • Allows you to link back to your website (this can help increase your SEO)
  • Is a way to promote your business and services
  • Adds credibility to your voice, and can be used as a promotional tool (as seen on X website)

Who to Reach Out To

Guest blogging is great, but you don’t want to just write for anybody. The partnership should benefit both you and the blog you’re writing for. Look for websites and blogs with high readership – the last thing you want to do is spend time crafting a blog post that no one will see. You should also make sure that the information you offer would be of value to the readers in the publication. Here are some ideas:

  • Blogs or websites that cover the tax industry
  • Companies in your area that offer complimentary services (banks, financial institutions, etc.)
  • Local business associations
  • Major online publications that cover tax topics
  • Local news publications
  • Organizations whose members could benefit from tax tips

What You Should Write About

Think about the audience and what they would find valuable. Overall, topics should offer insight and advice that readers could learn from or use in their own situations.

  • Tax industry news that might affect them.
  • Tax tips
  • Bookkeeping and payroll tips
  • Tips on choosing the right tax preparer

Now is the time to start researching possible places to guest blog. Reach out with an email, introduce yourself, and offer up some topics and a timeline. If they have an editorial calendar, they’ll appreciate the early planning and you may just land on their calendar. If not, just reaching out and building the relationship is a great first step.

Speaking of guest blogging… we often get emails from other businesses who are looking to guest blog. If you’re interested in doing a guest blog post on our Tax Talk blog, download our guidelines:

Guidelines for Guest Blogging