We recently received a great question on our website and would like to share it with our blog readers and community.

The question:

“How valuable and important is Internet marketing and getting a presence on face book, twitter and other social network for a small tax office?”

Our response:

As a small tax office, building a presence online is extremely valuable and one of the best ways to gain exposure and compete with national tax firms. Internet marketing is also much more affordable than traditional marketing channels like television and print ads. Consumers these days spend lots of time online researching other businesses and products before making their purchasing decisions. In order to compete, your tax office needs to have a presence online. Your online presence should include at the very least, a professional website. It should also include a couple of well-managed social media channels. For a tax office, I would suggest sticking to Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. There are lots of resources on The Income Tax School website that can help you make an informed decision and guide you by way of best practices.


What do you think?

How important is internet marketing when it comes to growing your business and what have been your most effective strategies? Leave a comment below.


If you are looking for more information on marketing your tax firm online, here are some ITS resources to check out.

4 Game Changer Internet Marketing Tips: http://www.theincometaxschool.com/4-game-changer-internet-marketing-tips

Top 3 Strategies for Successful Tax Business Marketing: http://www.theincometaxschool.com/whitepapers/top-3-strategies-for-successful-tax-business-marketing/

Social Media Tips for Tax Preparers: http://www.theincometaxschool.com/blog/social-media-tips-for-tax-preparers/

How to Use LinkedIn As a Tax Professional: http://www.theincometaxschool.com/blog/how-to-use-linkedin-tax-professional/