As recently announced by the AICPA, a new simulation question type, the Document Review Simulation (DRS), will debut on the CPA Exam on July 1, 2016. This new question type will appear in the FAR, AUD and REG sections initially and move to the BEC section in 2017.
Displaying: Study Strategies
First steps in CPA Exam application process
Congratulations on deciding to register for the CPA Exam! Here are the first steps in the CPA Exam application process.
What CPA candidates should expect at Prometric Testing Center
Knowing and understanding the process at the testing center may not remove the exam jitters but it will help to reduce the stress level a bit.
3 CPA Exam study strategies for busy season
If you are someone planning to study for the CPA exam during busy season, then this article is for you. The creator of CPA Exam Guide, Bryan Kesler, CPA, shares his tips for how to find time to study during busy season.
What Is Adaptive Learning?
Adaptive learning is a method of learning that focuses on past successes, using those successes as a basis to develop future strategies for success.
Tips to help alleviate stress on test day for CPA Exam candidates
The CPA exam can be very stressful. Be prepared on exam day, by knowing as much as possible about what to expect before you arrive at the testing site.
5-step plan to get CPA Exam process started
You lose study skills quickly after graduating from college. Here is a simple 5 step plan to get the CPA exam process started.