
It’s time to reflect on tax season.  How did you do?  What were your sales?  Did you increase or decrease over last year?  You know the drill.  You can determine your success or lack there of by looking at sales, number of new clients, number of referrals, or marketing metrics but how do you judge how well you did with service? How did your clients feel after leaving your office?  The only way to know is through customer surveys.

Customer survey scores may not seem as important as the other metrics listed about, but they are.  In fact, they are one of the most important pieces of information to study after tax season.  Here are some reason’s why.

1. Gauge your firm’s level of service after tax season.  Generating referrals means creating raving fans.  How do you create raving fans? Through exceptional customer service!

2. Get demographic information from your clients. You can gather a lot of information from a client survey if you ask the right questions.  Some questions you should ask are key demographics like location, age, gender and occupation.  Knowing the actual demographics of your customer base is key to being more effective in your marketing next season.

3.  Gauge the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.  An important question to ask in your survey is how they heard about you. This information will give you a great idea of what worked and what didn’t.

4. Pinpoint strengths and weaknesses.  You can’t improve if you don’t know your strengths and weaknesses.  You should ask questions like: What did you like most about us?  What can we do to improve?

5. Determine your net promoter score (the percentage of customers that would recommend you).  This score is important to track simply because you want people to recommend you.  It can be tracked by asking the simple question: Would you recommend us to others?

6. Inform clients of other services and/or get testimonials.  The end of your customer survey can include information about other services you may offer and can also include a call to action for a written testimonial, or even reminder to follow you on social media.

7. It shows you care.  Asking clients for input shows you care about their experience and the level of service you give.


Being a tax preparer isn’t all about numbers, it’s about relationships and customer service!  Do you send out customer satisfaction surveys? If so, what do you include?


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