We talk a lot about making a career as a tax preparer because we’re so passionate about seeing people go

from tax student to successful tax preparer – or self-employed tax business owner. But tax preparation doesn’t have to be a career, it’s also a great way to make money on the side after retirement. Here are four great reasons to consider tax preparation after retirement.
The Summer months are very quiet in the tax industry and for some, they are a time to relax and take a vacation. While tax preparation can be a year-round opportunity, it doesn’t have to be. Many tax firms employ tax preparers seasonally in the winter (when tax season starts ramping up) and through the spring during tax season.
This type of seasonality is perfect for retirees because the summer months are when grandchildren are out of school and when most people go on vacation. The winter months, on the other hand, are perfect for finding something to do that will earn you some extra income.
Working with People
If you enjoy working with people, tax preparation is a great way to keep that going! It’s a common myth that tax preparation is all about numbers. We’re here to tell you that it’s actually more about people! Tax preparation is a service. While it’s important to know tax law and prepare tax returns accurately, it’s just as important to provide excellent customer service so that tax time is as effortless as possible for your clients.
Extra Money
Tax preparation is a very rewarding job – both mentally and financially! Why not spend the cold part of the year inside working with people and earning some extra income? It’s a great way to supplement your retirement income or save money for bucket list vacations.
Keep Your Mind Active
Many retirees find transitioning into retirement a bit restless. You’ve spent most of your life working and now you’re not. They say keeping your mind active is very important. It’s not uncommon for retirees to seek part-time employment to do just that. So why not tax preparation?
Tax preparation is the perfect part-time transition after retirement. If you’re looking for something to keep your mind active, have some extra spending money, do something in the cold months, or work with people, tax preparation is the way to go!
AND! If you happen to live in the Richmond area, our sister company, Peoples Tax, is hosting a local tax course with a great opportunity to join their team in the upcoming tax season. Click here for more information on our Richmond Tax Course.