Surgent CPA Review co-founder Liz Kolar recently sat down with us to share details about Surgent’s ReadySCORE™ – a personalized score that measures a student’s readiness to sit for the CPA Exam. How does this affect our pass rate? See what Liz has to say:
CPA Exam pass rates
ReadySCORE is calibrated to real CPA Exam scoring, which is one of the reasons why it’s the best way to ensure CPA Exam readiness. In fact, results indicate that candidates using A.S.A.P. Technology® and achieve a 75% ReadySCORE across all content areas, topics and question types pass the CPA Exam a whopping 92% of the time. What’s more is that students increase their ReadySCORE, on average, from 43% to 84% while studying with Surgent! Compare that to the national average, which is around 50%, and you’ll understand why we’re so confident that A.S.A.P Technology and Surgent’s ReadySCORE are the recipe for CPA Exam success. In fact, we’re so confident, we’ll guarantee that you’ll pass, or we’ll refund your tuition.
How does it work?
When you start with Surgent, we assess what you know, and more importantly, what you don’t. Surgent’s course generates study plans that address your weak areas rather than waste important study time on things that you already know. The end result is this very high pass rates, while significantly reducing your study time.
Watch the full video here:

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