Surgent CIA Review will fully prepare you for the CIA exam with a personalized course. Get access to time-saving features, guided study, unlimited practice exams and more. See how Surgent can help you.
Personalized learning experiences
Rely on a tailor-made plan that adapts and optimizes in real time, following your progress.
Up-to-date study materials
With free automatic content updates, you can trust that all study materials reflect the current CIA Exam.
Rely on our Pass Guarantee
We’re so confident you’ll pass on the first try, we guarantee it. If you fail your exam after completing your course, we’ll refund you.
Study less, pass faster
A.S.A.P.® Technology is Surgent’s unique adaptive learning algorithm that drastically reduces study time. Focus on learning the material you need help with, and avoid covering what you already know. Surgent makes it easy to focus and retain important information.
Unlimited practice exams
Did you know that understanding course material is only part of preparing? Getting familiar with the CIA exam format, question types and answering pace is crucial to passing. Unlimited practice exams are the perfect way to ensure you’re ready to pass.
Explore Surgent today
Measure exam readiness in real time
ReadySCORE is Surgent’s real-time score prediction tool. At any given moment, see what you would score if you sat for the exam that day. Know when you’re ready to stop studying and take the exam with confidence.
Study whenever, wherever
For students on the go or at home, CIA Exam Review materials give you the flexibility to study whenever you need to. Plus, our mobile app syncs to your course progress. Stay on track no matter how you decide to study.
Lead by CIA Exam experts
We are here for you, with a team of dedicated and knowledgeable experts. Our CIA Review course and materials are developed and led by experts. Trust that you’re learning from the best instructors available.
Surgent’s unique features
Switch to Surgent
If you’re looking for a course tailored to your existing knowledge and needs, count on Surgent to get you to the finish line.