Surgent EA Review has everything you need to pass the exam. All courses include time-saving features, plenty of different ways to study and a full pass guarantee. Learn more about what sets Surgent EA Review apart.
Personalized learning saves you time
Your EA review course focuses on personal weaknesses and heavily weighted question types. Only study pertinent material.
Real-time score prediction shows progress
Know the exact moment you’re ready to pass. Surgent’s ReadySCORE™ metric adjust as you study, so you know when you to stop with full confidence.
Automatic updates keep you current
Your study material always reflects the most up-to-date information so you can stay on top of EA exam changes.
Cut study time and increase efficiency
Surgent believes in smart, powerful study sessions. Our Predictive AI Technology cuts study time by 40% and makes it easier for students to focus and retain information in the areas they are struggling in. Study smarter, not harder.
Coaches boost your testing accuracy
Surgent’s EA exam coaches are your best tool for passing. Included with Ultimate Pass, exam coaches help you learn how to study efficiently and answer questions accurately. Build your testing focus and endurance, learn how to guess and when to skip, and ultimately beat exam anxiety.
Stay on top of changes to exam materials
Surgent EA Exam Review plans come with automatic updates, so students can rest easy knowing they are studying the most current information. As EA exam content gets updated, so do our study materials.
Study any time, any place
Life can get busy, so our exam prep works with you. EA Review comes with a mobile app that syncs to your course progress. We give you flexibility for quick study sessions wherever you’d like — a library, train, bus, school or even at home on the couch.
Taught by qualified experts
We are here to guide you. Surgent EA Review course materials are developed and led by experts. You can trust you’re learning from the best.
Find your best-fit EA exam prep
Full of features to get you to the finish line as quickly as possible, EA Review is the industry-learning exam prep choice. Shop our courses to learn more about what’s included in each.
Surgent’s Unique Features
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