We make it easy to license our course materials so you can train your own tax preparers.

Benefits of Surgent

Flexible Formats

Online formatting makes it easy for students to work with others or individually.

Group Pricing

Get discounted prices on beginner and advanced tax training courses for 2 or more students.

Best-in-Class Curriculum

Our tax courses are written by highly experienced tax professionals who stay current with tax law changes and updates.

24/7 Access

Team members can learn at their own pace, with 24/7 access to online courses.

Academic Support

From beginner to advanced, we provide academic support through every step of the journey.

Automatic Grading*

Assignments, quizzes, and tests are graded automatically with feedback on learning activities.

Certification Reporting*

For many of the programs we will report certificates of completion and continuing education credits to the IRS and California Tax Education Council (CTEC).

LMS Access

Monitor progress within the Surgent ITS learning management system.

Tax School Kit

Get everything you need to operate your own tax school with 3-, 5- or 10-person kits.

*Not available with the YouTeach program

Do you run your own tax business?

Whether you’re starting your own tax preparation business or training your existing staff, Surgent can help.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits to teaching a course online?

There are many! Here are a few to think about:

  • Offer the income tax course of your choice, with online convenience
  • Place your order Monday-Thursday and receive access to the course within 24 hrs
  • Courses are accessible from any computer with Internet access
  • Great for new employee prospects!
  • Instant grading with feedback for all graded assignments
  • Students work at their own pace
  • Certificate template provided in electronic format for graduates
  • Students access course with a unique user ID and password
  • Online education website is secure
  • Courses include resources such as links to the IRS website, tax forms and Publication 17

Can California instructors teach a course online?

Yes, but you must be approved by the California Tax Education Council (CTEC). Learn more about applying to become an Education Provider for CTEC.

How up-to-date are your courses? I’m looking into obtaining training for the current tax year.

We continually update our courses to reflect current tax laws. Tax laws usually become final in the last couple months of the year. Therefore, our courses are based on the prior tax year. We issue tax law updates to current students in early to mid-December each year. These updates detail the tax law changes for the current year. This allows you or your students to take the current tax law course and become familiar with the tax laws as they are enacted. The practice problems in our course allow you time to apply the knowledge as you learn. The tax law updates provide the enhancement necessary to prepare you for the upcoming tax year. There is no additional cost for the tax law updates. View tax school training kits and pricing.