

IBM and Surgent Exam Review are proud to offer you an award-winning CIA and CISA Exam Review experience at an exclusive, significant discount.

Surgent Exam Review’s courses are powered by a proprietary adaptive learning software, Predictive AI Technology, which crafts personalized study programs for each candidate based on the individual’s specific learning style, enabling candidates to study less and pass faster.

For questions or more information, please contact us at or (800) 778-7436.

Want to give our course a test drive first? Click here to start a free trial.


Surgent courses include:

Full 3-part review course (100% aligned with CIA Exam content specification outlines)
Award-winning adaptive learning technology (+ option to switch to linear)
2,500+ multiple-choice questions
Free automatic content updates
Pass guarantee
18 months of course access

Select Product

Want to test drive our innovative course?

Here's why more candidates choose Surgent:


Average Study Hours


Rated CIA Review Course


Faster Than Other Courses

CIA Review Features

  • Full 3-part review course (100% aligned with CIA Exam content specification outlines)
  • Award-winning adaptive learning technology (+ option to switch to linear)
  • 2,500+ multiple-choice questions
  • Free automatic content updates
  • Pass guarantee
  • Unlimited practice exams
  • 18 months of course access

See how we get you to pass faster than any other course on the market!

Thumbnail of the Diagnostic Report dashboard  with a series of white boxes on a gray background highlighting your ReadyScore and a study progress bar graph.

Predictive AI Technology

Our AI-powered software generates a fully customized study plan to bridge your knowledge gaps, getting you exam-ready up to 73% faster than other review courses could.


ReadySCORE takes the guesswork out of exam readiness by predicting what you’d score on the CIA Exam with incredible accuracy. Throughout your studies, you’ll know just how close you are to passing, and when you’re truly ready. You won’t find another course with this technology!

Detailed Performance Reports

We take data very seriously, and we know you do, too. With Surgent, you’ll have comprehensive reporting at your fingertips, detailing your proficiency in each topic, study progress, how long we estimate it will take you to get exam-ready, and much, much more.

Thumbnail of the Your Daily Surge dashboard with a series of white boxes on a gray background highlighting study session paths, practice exams, videos, and course completion percentage graphs.

Real-Time Algorithms

Real-time algorithms assess the progress you make with each passing study session and adjust future study plans to ensure you’re staying on the quickest route to a passing score!

Superior Study Material

Our intelligent software determines what content you need for each study session, and serves it in short, digestible chunks. We select from 2,500+ multiple choice questions to serve the right questions to speed you to that passing score.

Expert Instructors

Our faculty is comprised of some of the best minds in the business who have mastered the art of making the most complex topics easy to understand.

Pass Guarantee

We’re so confident our approach works, we guarantee it!

A.S.A.P. Technology Phases Overview


By completing a series of questions pulled from all exam areas, you’ll establish your baseline, or your ReadySCORE™, in this phase. Find out how you’d score if you sat for the CIA Exam today, where your key weaknesses lie, plus how many study hours you need to achieve a passing score.

IBM and Surgent Exam Review are proud to offer you an award-winning CIA and CISA Exam Review experience at an exclusive, significant discount.

Surgent Exam Review’s courses are powered by a proprietary adaptive learning software, Predictive AI Technology, which crafts personalized study programs for each candidate based on the individual’s specific learning style, enabling candidates to study less and pass faster.

For questions or more information, please contact us at or (800) 778-7436.

Want to give our course a test drive first? Click here to start a free trial.


Surgent courses include:

Award-winning adaptive learning technology (+ option to switch to linear)
1,020+ multiple choice questions with full text answer explanations
Unlimited practice exams
Free automatic content updates
12 months course access
Pass guarantee
100% aligned to CISA Exam content specification outlines
Print Textbook
110+ Videos
1:1 Coaching Sessions
Print Flash Cards
Core Data Analytics Course

Select Product

Want to test drive our innovative course?

Here's why more candidates choose Surgent:


Average Study Hours


Rated CISA Review Course

CISA Review Features

  • Award-winning Predictive AI Technology Adaptive Learning Software (+ option to switch to linear)
  • ReadySCORE™ Exam-Readiness Indicator
  • MyMCQ™ Study Content Optimizer
  • 1,020+ multiple choice questions with full text answer explanations
  • Study Companion App
  • Unlimited practice exams
  • E-Book
  • Free automatic content updates
  • 12 months course access
  • Pass guarantee
  • 100% aligned to CISA Exam content specification outlines

See how we get you to pass faster than any other course on the market!

Thumbnail of the Diagnostic Report dashboard  with a series of white boxes on a gray background highlighting your ReadyScore and a study progress bar graph.

Predictive AI Technology

Our AI-powered software generates a fully customized study plan to bridge your knowledge gaps, getting you exam-ready much faster than other review courses could.


ReadySCORE takes the guesswork out of exam readiness by predicting what you’d score on the CISA Exam with incredible accuracy. Throughout your studies, you’ll know just how close you are to passing, and when you’re truly ready. You won’t find another course with this technology!

Detailed Performance Reports

We take data very seriously, and we know you do, too. With Surgent, you’ll have comprehensive reporting at your fingertips, detailing your proficiency in each topic, study progress, how long we estimate it will take you to get exam-ready, and much, much more.

Thumbnail of the Your Daily Surge dashboard with a series of white boxes on a gray background highlighting study session paths, practice exams, videos, and course completion percentage graphs.

Real-Time Algorithms

Real-time algorithms assess the progress you make with each passing study session and adjust future study plans to ensure you’re staying on the quickest route to 75!

Superior Study Material

Our intelligent software determines what content you need for each study session, and serves it in short, digestible chunks. We select from 1,020+ multiple-choice questions to serve you the right study content to speed you to that passing score.

Expert Instructors

Our faculty is comprised of some of the best minds in the business who have mastered the art of making the most complex topics easy to understand.

Pass Guarantee

We’re so confident our approach works, we guarantee it!

A.S.A.P. Technology Phases Overview


By completing a series of questions pulled from all exam areas, you’ll establish your baseline, or your ReadySCORE™, in this phase. Find out how you’d score if you sat for the CISA Exam today, where your key weaknesses lie, plus how many study hours you need to achieve a passing score.