Product Line
Showing 137–140 of 321 results
Financial Accounting & Reporting (FAR)
Financial Accounting & Reporting
FAR includes 18 months of access with 1,700+ multiple-choice questions, nearly 100+ task-based simulations, and 120+ “bite-sized” videos, which are focused on specific, digestible topics, and come with customized study notes. The following topics are covered: Financial Reporting, Select Balance Sheet Accounts, and Select Transactions.
Surgent’s Proprietary Predictive AI Technology adaptive learning software identifies each student’s knowledge gaps and generates personalized study plans to close them, while real-time algorithms optimize for efficiency along the way. As a result, Surgent students achieve an 88% pass rate while saving up to 400 hours of study time.
Flashcard (EA) Part 1
Flashcard (EA) Part 2
Flashcard (EA) Part 3