Click to learn more about Small Business II Tax Course
Instructor Materials includes: (per student kit)
- An online Instructor Resource Center (IRC), which includes an Instructor’s Workshop with hints and tips to help you operate a successful tax school, the Tax School Operator’s Manual, answer keys for all graded assignments including review and chapter questions, learning activities, quizzes, and exams. PowerPoints for the course(s) you are teaching, an electronic copy of the Student Manual, resources available to the students, and reading references.
- Instructors may print quizzes and exams for their live classroom students, which will require manual grading; or the instructor may opt to have students complete graded assignments online with automatic grading.
3, 5, or 10 Student Kit includes:
- Online (you are providing the academic support online): A User ID and password for each student in your kit. This provides access to all required course content, student resources such as IRS publications, instructions, forms, reading references, chapter study questions, learning activities, appendices, worksheets, tax law updates, and so much more.
- Books (you are teaching the courses face-to-face): hard copy student manuals are included. Book kits are typically purchased for FACE TO FACE classes. Free Shipping on student books shipped within the contiguous United States.
- Online and Face to Face instructors receive an Instructor Resource Center accessible online.
Delivery Method:
- The delivery method for this product is YOU TEACH. With this product, YOUR COMPANY is responsible for teaching the course and any academic support. YOUR COMPANY is able to issue a certificate of completion from your business/school, not from The Income Tax School. Continuing Education credits are not included with this product.
Important Note:
- The required annual purchase of the Operator’s Kit or License Renewal does not include teaching materials. It includes detailed information on how to plan, organize, advertise for, and administer a successful tax school, as well as our License Agreement for you to use our curriculum in your classroom. The Operator’s Kit which includes the Annual License, and License Renewals are non-refundable.