We Teach – Add Student



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Customers who have already purchased a We Teach package and are eligible for the group discount may add additional students using this product.

Example: Customer/Instructor has already purchased a We Teach 5 student pack, and wishes to add an additional 2 students. Members of our sales team can purchase this product on their behalf.

Discounts for the 30%, 35% and 40% levels should be applied using coupon codes.

Step by step process:

  1. Customer/Instructor contacts sales representative wanting to purchase additional student account(s)
  2. Sales rep uses this product to purchase on Instructor’s behalf
  3. Sales rep selects the course that the student(s) will take
  4. Sales rep will add any corresponding books, if desired by the Instructor
  5. At checkout, Sales rep will apply either the 30, 35, or 40% discount code (listed below)
  6. At checkout, Sales rep will enter the student’s name and email
  7. At checkout, Sales rep will enter the instructor’s billing information
  8. After successful purchase, Sales rep will notify school admin of the purchase to confirm student enrollment

Discount codes:

weteach30 – 30% off student. Instructor has already purchased a 3 pack We Teach product and is adding a fourth student.

weteach35 – 35% off each student. Instructor has already purchased a 5 pack We Teach product and is adding between 1-4 additional students (6-9 students total).

weteach40 – 40% off each student. Instructor has already purchased a 10 pack We Teach product and is adding more student(s)