The International Qualification Exam (IQEX) is an examination for accounting professionals from other countries who wish to qualify as U.S. CPAs and whose professional bodies have entered into mutual recognition agreements (MRAs) with the U.S accounting profession.
The NASBA/AICPA International Qualifications Appraisal Board (IQAB) has currently established MRAs with the following professional bodies:
- Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia
- Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants
- Canada, Mexico and United States Memorandum of Understanding
- Chartered Accountants Ireland (formerly the Irish Institute of Chartered Accountants)
- Instituto Mexicano de Contadores Públicos
- New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants
- Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants
The IQEX is one three-hour exam. The content outline for this exam is the same outline for the Regulation portion of the U.S. CPA Examination and consists of the following topics:
- Ethics, Professional and Legal Responsibilities: 10%-20%
- Business Law: 10%-20%
- Federal Taxation of Property Transactions: 12%-22%
- Federal Taxation of Individuals: 15%-25%
- Federal Taxation of Entities: 28%-38%
The exam consists of four sections:
- Testlet One – 24 multiple-choice questions
- Testlet Two – 24 multiple-choice questions
- Testlet Three – 24 multiple-choice questions
- Testlet Four – 6 task-based simulations, including a research question
The application for the IQEX is available online at The application fee is $835. Once your application is processed, you will receive an NTS (Notice to Schedule). The NTS is valid for six months. Candidates can schedule the IQEX at Prometric once the NTS is received.
Candidates are encouraged to review the IQEX Candidate Bulletin and AICPA Sample Test and Tutorials.