Our extensive network of industry partners is a beneficial resource for those taking their credentialing exams. We offer special pricing to these groups, along with a free trial to any Surgent exam review course.
Build your membership engagement with Surgent.
Exam prep that fast tracks learners for success
Surgent offers review courses for the CPA, EA, CMA, CIA and CISA exams.

Predictive AI Technology
Our powerful software creates a study plan customized to your needs and based on your strengths and weaknesses. Skip what you know, study what you don’t — and pass faster.

Pass Guarantee
Pass or your money back! Surgent’s review courses are so effective that we guarantee your associates will pass.

ReadySCORE™ lets you know exactly when you’re ready to stop studying and take the exam. Walk into your exam feeling less anxious and more confident you’ll pass.
Let Surgent provide your members with the advanced curriculum that prepares them for success.
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